Discover in-depth answers to your most frequently asked questions about our cosmetics and beauty products.


Your order can be canceled any time before it has been processed. Once your order has shipped, our Return & Exchange Policy will be applied.

It is important to carefully enter your shipping address as LOVB LOVB Cosmetics cannot be held responsible for orders sent to an incorrect delivery address provided by the customer.

Please allow up to 24 hours for the order confirmation email to be sent due to high demand. If you haven't received it after this time, please contact us here.

To check the status of your order, please log into your account.

Once your order has been fulfilled, you will receive an email containing your tracking information. You can track the progress of your order on the LOVB LOVB Cosmetics tracking page.

Yes, if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can easily return unopened items within 30 days of delivery. Please note that we cannot issue refunds for opened or used products, unless they were defective or damaged upon arrival. To initiate a return, please visit our Contact page.

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to process exchanges.

If a delivery is refused outbound shipping will not be refunded. Please allow up to 5 business days for your refund to be processed. Please note that international orders that are refused or unclaimed will not be refunded.

Please contact us immediately within 48 hours of receiving your order, providing your order number, via our Contact Us page. It may be necessary to provide multiple photos of the damaged products.

Please visit our page here within 48 hours of receiving your order, and we will assist you in resolving this issue. Kindly provide your order number with your inquiry.


We use Shopify payments and currently we accept: PAYPAL, 2CHECKOUT

You'll see this list when you visit our checkout page.


Yes, we periodically offer discounts and promotions. To receive updates on special offers, subscribe to our email and/or SMS text alerts.

It is important to carefully enter your shipping address as LOVB LOVB Cosmetics cannot be held responsible for orders sent to an incorrect delivery address provided by the customer.

We do not perform any pre-market animal testing and absolutely no animal testing at any stages of post-market between Korea and the US

It is advisable to store our products in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and excessive heat.


Whenever possible, we prioritize the use of naturally derived ingredients in all our formulations.

We refrain from using parabens or sulfates in any of our products.

Our products are formulated to be safe for all skin types. If you have specific concerns, we recommend consulting a dermatologist regarding the list of ingredients provided on our website.


Unless there is an unforeseen circumstance, most orders are shipped the next business day.

Once your order is processed, our systems will provide you with a tracking number via email.

Couldn't find the answers to your questions? Don't worry!

Feel free to reach out to us, and we'll respond promptly to assist you!